
How To Use Dual Boot Repair Tool

Dual-boot Repair Windows 10 (

You have installed multiple Windows versions on your PC ?

Y'all have problems booting ane of the Windows operating systems ?

Dual-boot Repair utility for Windows ten can fix the booting of any electric current dual or multi boot Windows system from an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI).

What's new - "Gear up Windows XP/2003 boot" option allows fixing of Windows booting fifty-fifty in a dual kicking scenario of two or more Windows NT5 systems (XP / Windows Server 2003).

Important (simply ignored past users):

The tool runs on any Windows Os from XP to Windows 10, and then of all installed Windows versions there must be at least one Windows OS which tin can boot and run.

To ready booting if none of installed Windows versions tin can boot and run y'all should utilize your Windows installation or recovery media and run get-go-up(automatic) repair or use manual repair operations.

Encounter these links and instructions how to repair Windows booting even if y'all don't take installation/recovery DVD/USB.

Principal features of the tool

1. Automatic one click boot repair - installs proper boot files and fixes booting of latest Windows NT 6 version (Vista to Windows x) on BIOS or UEFI firmware (fixes also NT5 kick files if necessary).

2. Fix of MBR and partition kick records for Windows NT5 systems (XP, Windows Server 2003) and for Windows NT6 systems (Vista, Windows seven, Windows eight.x, Windows 10 and Server 2008/2012/2016).

three. Prepare Windows Vista to Windows 10 BCD (Kick Configuration Data), also backup and restore of BCD (applies also to Server 2008/2012/2016). Using "Repair BCD" selection you tin create a boot loader(boot menu entry) for Vista, Windows 7/viii/ten and Server 2008/2012 .

iv. Fix Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 kicking.

5. Shortcut to Disk Management (create/shrink/extend/delete partitions and set active flag - important for booting on BIOS firmware and MBR manner disks) and shortcut to administrator console and bcdedit.

6. Boot Sector Viewer for examining and saving of MBR and partition boot records.

7. Dual-boot Repair online aid.

Dual-boot Repair tool 10

The tool tin be used by novice users (green colored buttons) and past more advanced users using all options.

Clicking on "Automatic Repair" displays a list of all installed Windows versions.

Dual-boot Repair - Automatic Repair

Please read carefully the displayed text before confirming the repair performance.

As already said "Automatic Repair" fixes the booting to latest Windows OS (Windows Vista to Windows x) on your estimator.

If yous take only Windows XP / Server 2003 installed you can set up booting to either system using "Prepare XP/2003 boot" option.

In the current implementation the "Automated Repair" pick does not fix the booting of all installed Windows systems - it fixes the booting only of the latest Windows OS installed on your reckoner. For fine tuning Windows kick and eventually fixing the booting of other installed Windows systems (Windows XP to Windows 10) you should use Visual BCD Editor (Visual BCD Editor runs on Windows Vista and later on).

Visual BCD Editor allows to easily delete problematic boot loaders and to create a boot loader for whatever Windows XP to Windows x.

I could drib support for Windows XP and employ only 1 tool for repairing Windows booting - Visual BCD Editor - but I remember that Windows XP is a proficient system and despite not anymore supported by Microsoft information technology is nonetheless used past many people.


==>> Extract zip file to an empty directory (application is portable) and create a shortcut icon for the tool on Desktop.


==>> Overwrite existing files in Visual BCD installation directory.

On English Windows versions Visual BCD is installed to folder "Program Files" (on 32-bit Os) or to "Program Files (x86)" (on 64-flake Os).


The tool needs .NET 2 or .NET 4 and can run on Windows XP to Windows 10.


Dual-boot Repair tool is for individual, not-turn a profit use!

If you desire to utilise the tool in a production/for profit environment y'all have to obtain a written permission from author - contact email boyans dot gm at gmail dot com.


Download link

Dual-boot Repair ten (version 1.3)

Even minor donations appreciated for site maintenance and farther development. Thanks.


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